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Sunday, 25 July 2004
Beer Fest Bonanza

Feeling fine now, but have had a very slow start to the day after a bloody great day yesterday drinking in 100degF heat at the Oregon Brewers Festival. It was a friggin beer drinkers paradise. Really!!

72 different beers from all over the state, each brewer with a couple of different styles, initially we cruised around with a sort of methodical approach to tasting the different styles, but after a couple of hours it got a little more basic, we more or less just staggered to whateva was the closet trailer and filled up. There was live music, food (tho we didnt eat), and a ton of entertaining people watching to be had.

The cool thing about the event tho was despite most attendees getting pretty trollied, there really wasnt any trouble. No fights, no-one passed out in the gutter, noone spewing down the front of their shirts, you know, all the stuff you'd expect (demand) at a kiwi event.

The festival closed at about 9pm so we buggered off back to the hotel and went down for a feed at the sports-bar. Man, these yanks can eat. So can Jamie. We got served meals that were more like family-packs. After eating we played some pool and an American couple came over to play with us. He was totally pissed and friggin funny. We talked for an hour or so about George-Dubbya and most of the time they were shaking their heads in shame and apologising for the republicans and American foregin policy in general, shit it was funny. When we got kicked out the dude was walkin with us to the Elevator and yells out to this pompous looking couple...


They avoided his drunken gaze, murmered "Bush" and lept into the elevator before he had a chance to abuse them. Jeeze it was funny.

8:36:12 AM  

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