Mail from Thailand
today I got an email from a Canadian friend of mine Bazza who's touring Thailand with his partner at the moment. It was nice to think he'd taken the time to piss around emailing me, in an area where telecommunications isnt the easiest thing to negotiate.
It started me thinking about writing letters and how little I bother to really write these days. An email can be relatively informative, and you can edit the hell out of it before you send it.
But it's that editing that tends to make email seem friggin sterile. Unless you keep it nice and short. A quick couple of sentences is all that's required. Like a post-card, complete with with typos, misspellngs, smudges and character.
And that was what was kinda cool about the Mail from Thailand today. It was kinda like a virtual postcard. An on-the-fly, and quickly composed snapshot of someone you relate to sharing an experience you would have (or actually have) enjoyed yourself.
Brilliant. Damn this techie stufff. Bring back carrier-pigeons.
12:00:35 AM