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Wednesday, 2 April 2003
Get Pissed Quick on Champagne (link)

according to recent research conducted by a team in the human psychopharmacology unit at the University of Surrey in Guildford, it turns out that Champagne really does get you drunk faster.

Apparently the 'researchers' threw a couple of parties were some people were given bubbly champers and others champagne that had the bubbles reduced with a wisk, and the first group got more tiddly.

Is it just me, or are you also having trouble working out the benefit of this reseach to humanity? Surely the project was just a way to con the University to fund a couple of student booze-ups. Nice Work !!!

11:27:24 PM  
Lost in Space  (link)

Jesus, its a good thing I'm not running the US space programme coz this War-in-Iraq thing has meant I've totally forgotten about those poor bastards stuck up in the International Space Station since the Space-Shuttle disaster (the most recent one, that is)

You can imagine it cant you...

NASA staffer: Sir, we need to do something about the ISS
Me: What ISS?
NASA staffer: The space station Sir, the crew are running out of food and Oxygen
Me: Not now Bob, cant you see I'm watching CNN

Anyway, it turns out that the new crew to be sent up to releive those currenly in obit has been announced today, the only problem is, the Russians need a hand-out from Uncle Sam to pay for the launch.

11:23:52 PM  
Little Balls of Fire (link)

The midnight sky flashed an eerie blue last week over four Midwestern US states as a meteorite exploded in the atmosphere, sending rocks as big as softballs crashing through some houses...

Paul Sipiera, a professor of geology ... spent Thursday examining dozens of pieces of meteorites and plotting where they fell. "For me, it's a dream come true," he said. "I always tell my wife that when I die, I hope I get hit in the head by a meteorite flying through the roof and it came pretty close," he said

11:20:07 PM  

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