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Saturday, 9 April 2005
The Blue-Jeans Inquisition

Kym and I are off to a wedding of a friend of hers tonight in the glass-house at Hamilton Gardens. Its just gone midday now and its about time Kym will initiate her transformation from sleepy weekend passive mode into sword wielding where the fuck is the Hairspray mode

Sure enough it has begun. I was summonsed a few minutes ago to the bedroom to try on my outfit for the evening in case I need to go do some emergency shopping. Pederson enquired with thinly veiled urgency as to the whereabouts of my new blue jeans. Apparently I bought a new pair a couple of months ago, nice flaired jobbies, but do you think I could find them anywhere in my tiny section of the wardrobe?

I optimistically presented what I thought were a nice pair as an altenative and was shot down by Baroness von Richthofen with the fierceness of a rottweiler that's just been kicked in the nuts. Apparently the rest of my jeans are hiddeous!!!. Just why a man needs to have more than one pair of blue jeans has always mystified me. There's always the black stove-pipes as backup but apparently they aren't acceptable in public anymore (as a young shop assistant rudely pointed out to me recently)

Anyway, the inquisition was thankfully dispelled with the retieval of my trendy black goin-dancin trousers and a long sleeved shirt that seemed to work with it. Thank God (the Royal) we selected Kyms outfit earlier in the week so we dont have to be tortoured by that process for the rest of the afternoon.

12:09:12 PM  
Creative Juices

OK hands up whose been dumping creative hormones into Hamilton's water supply over the last few days!!!

As Ricardo observed during the week it seems like a number of people are getting off their asses lately and cracking on with pet projects or business ideas.

I've started rolling out my XApperator project, Ricardo has had some wicked music toys arrive to flesh out his expanding studio, Cock has grand ideas about entertainment provision, Agent748 has been talking of scale flying vehicles, etc etc etc...

I know theres a solar-eclipse on the way so perhaps that has something to do with it. Hell, I even started enquiring about where to find Fimo yesterday, you know that coloured clay-like stuff you fire in an oven. I dont have a creative bone in my otherwise fantastic body but all of a sudden I've got this urge to make some freeky shit with my fingers.

Oh yeah, this was last week but definately "creative", a bunch of Engineering students from Waikato University have won the 2005 Institute of Professional Engineers Student Design Award for their skateboard made of hemp composites. Wonder how much supervision there was on that project :)

10:56:20 AM  

April 2005
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Todays Reading...
o Steam motorcycle
o UFO Area: Our Special Reports
o SOA Facts
o xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
o Helen Clarks marijuana speech 1994 Waikato University

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