What the hell happened to 2005? Thank Allah I'm not paid to write or I'd be sleeping by the river, trapping ducks for dinner and drinking Tenants Super, instead of living the high life that is the current spectacular state of affairs.
Xmas has come and gone like a summer storm. This year Pederson and I convinced the whanau to come to us for a change, had a great feed, plenty of laughs, very little stress, and absolutely no danger of being caught drink-driving coz the furtherest we got from the house all day was the BBQ out the back.
New Years was a similarly straight-forward and low-drama affair with the Sonic-and-John show coming around, Pee and Si, for a most-of-the-night hoo ha with no drink-driving risk-taking to be seen. The most dangerous event of the night for attendees was avoiding me dancing like a whirling-Dervish in the Lounge.
With a couple of other fun gatherings along the way (esp the crazy night in TA) we were both back to the grind-stone by the 4th, saving leave for the trip to Nelson this March, and wondering what the hell happened to 2005.
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