Stringer Family |
The Stringer family emmigrated from the UK to New Zealand in 1874, we're decendents of typical working-class families of the time who struck out across the oceans on a three month voyage in a sailing ship to help break in a land which Maori had themselves been struggling in for hundreds of years.
They left their home in County Kent England on the 24th March 1874 sailing on The Waikato arriving in Wellington New Zealand on the 11th of July the same year. At the time most of the families seem to have disembarked in Wellington or Lyttelton and moved out to settle across the country.
Family Heritage: Phillips | Manson | Stringer | Allen
Leonard Stringer
marr: Susannah
Leonard, Sussanah and their children left their home in County Kent England on the 24th March 1874 sailing on The Waikato arriving in Wellington New Zealand on the 11th of July the same year. They had four daughters (Susannah, Maria, Ann, Elizabeth and Sally) and two sons (Jack and Leonard). After arriving in NZ the couple had three more children.
Leonard Stringer
born: 20/Sep/1873died: 10/Jan/1943
marr: Charlotte
Leonard was 7 months old when he arrived in Wellington with his family onboard the Waikato after leaving Plymouth in England. He and Charlotte had four children Wilfred, Myra, Thelma and Ron.
Wilfred Stringer
born: 10/Jan/1920died: 5/Dec/1997
marr: Jean Agnes Allen
Wilfred and Jean worked on their dairy-farm in Nghahinepouri in the Waikato and had three children: Donald, Trevor and June.
Donald Wilfred Robert Stringer
born: 23/Dec/1940
marr: Maureen Jean Phillips
Dean Malcolm
born: 10/Nov/1968
Sonia Jean
born: 16/Jun/1971
Jared Paul
born: 4/Jun/1974
Family Heritage: Phillips | Manson | Stringer | Allen