Slackware Desktop |
I've recently begin migrating to a Linux desktop, Slackware specifically, and thought I'd keep some notes on essential reading and gotchas along the way. As a part of my Tech Plan for this year I'm interested in O/S advocacy seeing as I use the stuff most of every working day.
Essential Reading
Deployment Notes
- decided to stick with fvwm2 as a window manager
- farted about with XF86Config until I got things sorted for the mouse (scrolling button) and CRT settings (nice refresh rate)
- installed mozilla 1.7 and komodo (the apps I use most of the time)
- am using a Belkin KVM switch which seemd to be screwing with the mouse deiver when flicking from my Windows XP machine back to Linux, found a workaround of switching to the console and back (ctrl-alt-F3 then ctrl-alt-F7) which fixes it, annoying tho.
- had a look at fvwm-themes and the vimoutliner
- had a play around with the .xinitrc file (copied to home dir) and tweaked some fvwm2 menu items and startup params
- turned off the bell so as not to annoy workmates (uncomment bell line in /etc/inputrc)
See Also: Linux Advocacy | Open Source | Tech Plan | Notes Index