Phillips Family |
My mothers maiden name is Phillips and her Grandfather Malcolm was born in Gisbourne to an Australian Father and English mother. Here then is my Phillips family ancestry:
Family Heritage: Phillips | Manson | Stringer | Allen
George Phillips
born: 19/Feb/1820
marr: Margaret May
At the time of his son Williams birth George was listed as a storekeeper on Halifax St, Adelaide and on Williams marriage certificate George is listed as an ironmonger.
William May Phillips
born: 10/Jul/1849 in Adelade Sth. Austraila
died: 24/May/1884 in Whangarei
marr: Alice Brown on 19/Oct/1877 in London
Marriage certificate details list Williams occupation as an office clerk, and at time of Malcolms birth was lsited as a tobacconist. His address at the time he married Alice was 227 Marylebone Road, Alice was a spinster, address 225 Marylebone Road. After Williams death Alice returned to England. Malcolm Mcleod wrote to her there and she returned to New Zealand marrying him in Gisborne in 1886. William was a journalist on the Northern Advocate when he died. William and Alice had three children: Lucy, George and Malcolm.
Malcolm Mc Cleod May Phillips
born: 4/Jun/1881 in Poerty Bay, Gisborne
died: 6/Nov/1941
marr: Isobel Margaret Hair (born: Putatahi) on 28/Jun/1905 Poverty Bay
Occupation listed as Blacksmith, Isobel's as Dress-maker. Malcolm and Isobel had four children: William, Helen, Isabel and Malcolm
Malcolm Sturt Phillips
born: 18/Apr/1915 in Hikurangi
died: 9/Oct/1994
marr: Jean Manson at Knox Presb. Ngaruawahia 5/Jun/1937
Mac and Jean had 4 daughters: Janet, Nola, Maureen and Alice and adopted a son Kevin.
Maureen Jean Phillips
born: 15/Aug/1945
marr: Donald Wilfred Robert Stringer in Cambridge
Dean Malcolm
born: 10/Nov/1968
Sonia Jean
born: 16/Jun/1971
Jared Paul
born: 4/Jun/1974
credit/source: all of the details above are a small part of the result of the huge research effort my Aunty Alice has carried out over the last few years. All I've done is web-ify a small part of it.
Family Heritage: Phillips | Manson | Stringer | Allen