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DeeKnow’s Grotto

The Great Horse Trek

In July of 2003 I was talked into a horse trek with my Girlfriend, my Sister and me Mum. Yep, just me and the girls. I was the one with no experience and plenty of courage, and was kinda sceptical about the quality of the experience, but it turned out to be a wicked little excursion.

The scenery was brilliant (high up on the slopes of Mt Pirongia) and although the guides weren't exacly the most informative or interactive we had loads of laughs at each others (and their) expense. My horse's name was Toby I think (shown bottom-left). I didnt want to get too familiar in case I end up having to feed him to my cat one of these days.

Note: Click on any image to see a larger one.  The full-size ones are all about 800x600 pixels and roughly 100kb.